domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016

You will be able to use modal verbs!

Tomado de

5 Perfect modals in songs.

Modal verbs in songs

Más ejercicios de práctica:

Más ejercicios de práctica:

Mixed modal verbs exercises
Modal verbs exercise 1- 20 puntos

9:07 Modals of lost opportunity

7:23 Using should, could and would have done correctly

6:25 Using may and might

6:17 Modals of necessity

6:15 How to express possibility/ probability in English

8:46 Modal verbs can – could

14:45 English Modal Verbs – can – could – may - might

6:58 Using “should” in different ways.

Actividades contenido del cronograma.

16:19 how do modals work

15:38 Master Modals - Part 2

19:32 Master Modals with the SEAM method

Introducción - generalidades

Enlace al cronograma de actividades.